ASCIU Droido
6 min readOct 16, 2020


JASAVUR dreams

JASAVUR dreams of creating a fantastic city called Landhjm. In this city (as in Shangrilà) the inhabitants dedicate themselves to their passions (art, music, writing, videos, images, etc.). They have the income of citizenship with which they satisfy their basic needs. They have Robots (Personal Artificial Intelligence) with which they interact and create fantastic things. As an architect, JASAVUR has to do some research in Landhjm, because the village of Landhjm has a strange futuristic architecture. On the model of the Venus Project avant-garde and futuristic structures are built, each of which functions as a microcosm of that wider universal system. The robots also invite JASAVUR to observe their way of working. Each member of the city and each plan works according to a different set of rules and laws, JASAVUR is authorized to act only in the manner prescribed by the laws that the city follows. The system of rules is UBUNTU. In which everyone in a meritocratic way contributes to the development of the city. An Open Searce system that evolves and creates the perfect system. The economic system is based on Bitcoins. The political and social system is based on the philosophy of UBUNTU. The architectural system is based on The Venus Project (TVP). Landhjm means (Earth = City) (hjm = of oneself) People are challenged to work on three axes — emotion, work and beauty — in order to create a beautiful city, a loving society and a prosperous economy. A futuristic society where creativity is rewarded as much as earning income or spiritual well-being, where self-expression is valued as much as professional competence, where…

